Be Beautiful Skin Care and Aromatherapy

Be Beautiful Skin Care and Aromatherapy
54 Howland Drive, Kitchener, N2E1G3, Ontario, Canada
CANADA TOLL FREE: (519) 579-8260


Acne Amintamed

Rosa Graf AMINTAmed Skin Care.

Rosa Graf AMINTAmed line is specially formulated for Oily, Combination and Acne prone skin. Our Camomile Paste and Anti-Spot Treatment can be used directly on blemishes, to help heal blemishes. The AMINTAmed Mask helps to deep clean your skin and pores, removing impurities from the skin.

  SKU Product Our price
SKU192381 Rosa Graf AMINTAmed Camomile Paste Tinted CAD$29.40 (US$21.64)
264-17288 Rosa Graf AMINTAmed Day Balance, Oily, Combination, Acne skin CAD$36.70 (US$27.02)
230-17289 Rosa Graf AMINTAmed Night Balm, for oily, combination skin CAD$36.70 (US$27.02)
228-16393 Rosa Graf AMINTAmed-Camomile Paste Acne Skin CAD$29.40 (US$21.64)
225-17286 Rosa Graf AMINTAmed-Cleanser, Oily, Combination, Acne CAD$34.30 (US$25.25)
RosaGraf112 Rosa Graf AmintaMed-Mask oily acne skincare CAD$32.60 (US$24.00)
227-16390 Rosa Graf Toner, Oily, Combination, Acne CAD$31.80 (US$23.41)